Export Facilitation of Chicken Meat and Eggs though Poultry Health Management
The project is conducted by the division of Animal Health of the Department of Animal Production and Health, Peradeniya. It has been commenced in year 2013 and plans to support the veterinary network island wide, operates through veterinary investigation centers (VICs) and range veterinary offices.
VICs contributed for the sample collection and isolation of the bacteria under Salmonella monitoring program and sample collection and screening of suspected samples under HPAI surveillance. VIOs involve in special disease investigations under Newcastle Disease surveillance program. Further VIOs involve in sample collection under the by annual surveillance program in export establishments.
Range veterinary officers contributed for preventive vaccination program and passive surveillance program.
1. Control of Salmonellosis among poultry population with special emphasis on export establishments of poultry.
2. Newcastle disease control in poultry population with special emphasis on export establishments of poultry.
3. Ensure HPAI free status in Sri Lanka by effective disease surveillance and emergency response.
4. Disease surveillance and monitoring in export establishments of poultry.
Activities of the project and services to public through project:
- Improving the supply of diagnostic materials to VICs.
- Training programs for VIOs to enhance the diagnostic capacities and VSs for updating the knowledge on control and clinical diagnosis of poultry diseases.
- Monitoring and evaluation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Surveillance program, surveillance, National Salmonella monitoring program in poultry and Newcastle Disease control program.
- Annual monitoring of poultry breeder farms for renewal of registration.
- Biannual monitoring of export establishments of poultry for Newcastle Disease, Salmonella and Avian Influenza.
There is a high risk of entry of exotic diseases including highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in to the country by the way of migratory birds, smuggling of live poultry, infections carried by international passengers and fomites and importation of live poultry, poultry products and pet birds. HPAI surveillance program is an early warning system for early detection of Avian Influenza and required to maintain the free status of Avian Influenza in the country.
National Salmonella control program in poultry has been aimed to control the host specific and non - host specific Salmonellosis among poultry population in the country. Aims to reduce the public health risk due chicken meat and eggs contaminated with non - host specific Salmonella.
Newcastle disease (ND) is highly prevalent among poultry population in Sri Lanka and preventive vaccination program is implemented to control the disease among backyard poultry population. Therefore, improves the livelihood of small scale poultry producers while reducing the risk of ND risk to the commercial population.
Livestock Breeding Project (LBP)
Control of Contagious Diseases
Export Facilitation of Chicken Meat and Eggs though Poultry Health Management
Upgrading poultry & fish disease diagnostic facilities at regional (District) Veterinary Investigation Centers -
Mitigation of Disease Risks to Livestock and Human through targeted Wildlife Disease Surveillance.
Export Facilitation of Chicken Meat and Eggs though Poultry Health Management
The project is conducted by the division of Animal Health of the Department of Animal Production and Health, Peradeniya. It has been commenced in year 2013 and plans to support the veterinary network island wide, operates through veterinary investigation centers (VICs) and range veterinary offices.
VICs contributed for the sample collection and isolation of the bacteria under Salmonella monitoring program and sample collection and screening of suspected samples under HPAI surveillance. VIOs involve in special disease investigations under Newcastle Disease surveillance program. Further VIOs involve in sample collection under the by annual surveillance program in export establishments.
Range veterinary officers contributed for preventive vaccination program and passive surveillance program.
1. Control of Salmonellosis among poultry population with special emphasis on export establishments of poultry.
2. Newcastle disease control in poultry population with special emphasis on export establishments of poultry.
3. Ensure HPAI free status in Sri Lanka by effective disease surveillance and emergency response.
4. Disease surveillance and monitoring in export establishments of poultry.
Activities of the project and services to public through project:
- Improving the supply of diagnostic materials to VICs.
- Training programs for VIOs to enhance the diagnostic capacities and VSs for updating the knowledge on control and clinical diagnosis of poultry diseases.
- Monitoring and evaluation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Surveillance program, surveillance, National Salmonella monitoring program in poultry and Newcastle Disease control program.
- Annual monitoring of poultry breeder farms for renewal of registration.
- Biannual monitoring of export establishments of poultry for Newcastle Disease, Salmonella and Avian Influenza.
There is a high risk of entry of exotic diseases including highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in to the country by the way of migratory birds, smuggling of live poultry, infections carried by international passengers and fomites and importation of live poultry, poultry products and pet birds. HPAI surveillance program is an early warning system for early detection of Avian Influenza and required to maintain the free status of Avian Influenza in the country.
National Salmonella control program in poultry has been aimed to control the host specific and non - host specific Salmonellosis among poultry population in the country. Aims to reduce the public health risk due chicken meat and eggs contaminated with non - host specific Salmonella.
Newcastle disease (ND) is highly prevalent among poultry population in Sri Lanka and preventive vaccination program is implemented to control the disease among backyard poultry population. Therefore, improves the livelihood of small scale poultry producers while reducing the risk of ND risk to the commercial population.