Internal Audit
In terms of Financial Regulations 133, 134 and Section 38 & 40 of the National Audit Act No.19 of 2018, the Internal Audit Division of the Department of Animal Production and Health functions its duties under the Chief Internal Auditor who is directly responsible to the Director General of the Department.
The division consists of three officers of the Management Service Officials, five Development Service Officers, a Driver, an officer of the Office Employee’s Service and Field assistant.
The responsibility of carrying out the internal audit functions in all divisions of the Office of the Department of Animal Production and Health and the sub offices located island wide such as Veterinary Investigation offices, Nucleus Farms in Thelahara and Imbulandanda area, Artificial Insemination centers and etc., is vested in the Internal Audit Division. Special audit queries are also carried out by the Division where necessary.
Main Functions
- Ascertaining the adequacy and success of the internal control system operated in the department to avoid frauds and corruptions.
- Conducting of Management Audit Meetings of the Department once a quarter in terms of Section 41 of the National Audit Act under the guidance of the Department of Management Audit and following up the progress of implementation of the decisions made at the said meetings.
- Verifying whether the internal inspection and administrative system operated within the Department in order to avoid frauds and malpractices is successful in its activities and in the aspect planning.
- Assuring the credibility of the accounts and other reports and examining whether the required information is provided by the accounting system applied for the purpose of preparing correct financial statements.
- Evaluation and examination of the quality of the performance of the staff of the Department in the performance of their duties, functions and responsibilities.
- Verifying as to what extent the assets of the Department and sub offices are protected from the possible damages.
- Verifying whether the Government Circulars and other instructions issued time to time by the General Treasury, the Ministry of Public Administration and other relevant Government institutes, Department circulars as well as the Establishment Code, Financial Regulations are followed properly.
- Verifying the adequacy of the internal administrative system applied to avoid as well as review the wastage, useless and over expenses.
- Inspection on the account procedure of the Department and the operations which causes certain expenses and verifying as to whether the properties and assets of the Department are utilized efficiently, effectively and economically.
- Conducting special investigations wherever necessary.
- Carrying out system analysis and performance analysis in order to ensure productive performance.
- Taking action as per the instructions and guidelines issued from time to time by Department of Management Audit, conducting the meetings of the Audit and Management Committee of the Ministry once in every three months, taking follow up action to verify the progress in the implementation of the decisions taken at such meetings are also fallen under the scope of this division.
Mrs. H.M. Udari Shashika Digashini
Chief Internal Auditor
Tel. No : +94812388770
Fax : +94812388716