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Animal Breeding

Animal beading division is responsible for national level livestock genetic improvement through facilitation of appropriate breeding techniques and logistic support.

Main Responsibility

Development and improvement in livestock genetic and animal feed resources.

Main functions of the division

  1. Conservation and sustainable utilization of livestock genetic resources.
  2. Improving the genetic make-up through the use of animal reproductive technologies.
  3. Promotion and popularization the cultivation and use of improved forage through technical guidance and demonstration.
  4. Development of skilled human resources in order to strengthen the animal breeding services.
  5. Registration of Livestock and horse breeder farms and forage entrepreneurs.


Sub centers of the Animal Breeding division.

  1. Central Artificial Insemination Station – Kundasale.
  2. Artificial Insemination Centre – Polonnaruwa.
  3. Nucleus Farm - (Boer Goat Breeding Centre) - Imbulandanda
  4. Nucleus Farm - (JumnapariGoat Breeding Centre) - Thelahera



Artificial Insemination (AI) in cattle was started in Sri Lanka in 1937. The first AI calf named as “Simon” was born in 1938 in a farm at Meewathura, Peradeniya. Artificial insemination as a national program was started in 1950. The first semen supply center was established at Ambewela cattle farm in 1952. Semen collection from buffaloes (Murrah) was commenced in 1954. In 1960 the semen processing units were established at Kundasale and Tinnaveli. At present there are three Semen production centers at Kundasale, Polonnaruwa and Thinneveli. The deep frozen semen technology was introduced in 1966 and the private AI service was established in 1979.

Collection, processing and freezing of semen being done twice a week from the semen donors. Deep frozen semen and Liquid Nitrogen distribution program is handled by this center and all the VS offices, NLDB farms & other large scale and medium scale dairy farms are received semen and Liquid Nitrogen once in three weeks.

In addition to the supply of semen and Liquid Nitrogen other inputs required for AI service also supplied by CAIS Kundasale.


This center was established in 1985 with the financial assistance of Sri Lanka Swiss Livestock Development Project in order to cover up Artificial Insemination Service in Polonnaruwa, Batticaloa, Ampara and Trincomalee Districts.

The total land area belongs to this center is 120 acres and nearly 10 acres are occupied by buildings (Office, cattle sheds, offices and labor quarters etc,)

Crossbred bulls are maintained here to produce deep-frozen semenwhich is then supplied to the CAIS for the contribution of national AI program. Additionally, center plays a crucial role inconducting training of artificial insemination techniciansas well as offering refresher training for existing AI technicians.



Thalahera and Imbulandanda Nuclears Farms

Two Goat Breeding Centers are maintained by the Animal Breeding Division at Thelahera (Kobeigane AGA division) in Kurunegala district and Imbulandanda (Matale AGA division) in Matale district.

These goats are bred with selected stud goats and imported goat semen. The primary objectives of these two breeding farms are maintaining goat nucleus herds, producing breeding goats required for the multiplier farms, and producing semen donors for CAIS-Kundasale.


Dr. B.M.M. Ekanayake



Mr. T.R.M.A.M. Rathnayake



Dr. A P Bodahewa

Veterinary Surgeon


Dr. AHLM Aluthwatta

OIC – Kundasale AI Station


Mr. GBIP Weerasinghe

OIC – Imbulandanda


Dr. GG Thilakarathna

Veterinary Surgeon


Dr. U.D. Ramanayake

Deputy Director (Animal Breeding)


Mrs. SM Kaluarachchi

Livestock Officer


Mr. AP Senevirathna

Officer In Charge


Mr. Dinesh Kudagala

Officer In Charge

Application for the Goat requirement
Selection of Provincial level Goat Breeder Farms